Creating ICT-META as international platform for consulting, research and development, using the legal form of a European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) so far has resulted in support declarations of the following institutions:
- Vienna Chamber of Commerce (WKO), Division for Consulting and Information Technology (UBIT)
- Technikum Wien, Life Long Learning Academy
- Austrian Association for Electrical Engineering (ÖVE)
- Organisation for the Development of the Border Regions of Lower Austria (Niederösterreichische Grenzlandförderungs-GmbH)
- Newbac AG (Switzerland)
- Association for IT Business and Research in Europe (ITBeurope)
- IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems GmbH
- Association of the Austrian Electrical and Electronics Industries (FEEI)
- ECOS Management GmbH
All these institutions participate in our further development.